Search Results
- Citation:
- Battson, Jill (with Bob Holman and Doug Kirott). Interview. Hyphen Magazine no. 12 [1996]: 16-28.
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- Peden, Margaret Sayers. Interview. Tampa Review no. 16 (Spring/Summer 1998): 21-22.
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- Morris, John N. Interview. River Styx no. 47 (1996): 56-72.
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- Waters, Simon. Interview. Spiked issue 6 [2000]: 6-9.
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- Boruch, Marianne. Interview. Denver Quarterly 28, no. 2 (Fall 1993): 105-121.
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- Noel-Tod, Jeremy. Interview. Thumbscrew no. 20/21 (2002): 32-51.
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- Brand, Alice. Interview. Collages & Bricolages 3 (Spring 1988): 30-37.
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- Howe, Ken. Interview. Contemporary Verse 2 25, no. 2 (Fall 2002): 10-16.
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- Maso, Carole. Interview. American Poetry Review 24, no. 2 (March/April 1995): 32-35.
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- Luscious Jackson, (with Jill Cuniff, Gabby Glazer, Kate Shellenbach and Vivian Trimble). Interview. Bomb no. 50 (Winter 1994/1995): 20-22.